Trinity Western University: We maximize your chance of getting admitted
The smart alternative to applying direct for a degree at Trinity Western University and the easy way to find programs that match your eligibility and aspirations
Uni Facts
, Langley
Application Fee
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Study abroad at Trinity Western University
Why Study at Trinity Western University?
Life as an international student
Biomedical & Healthscience
Business & Management
Computer science & IT
How we maximize your chance of getting admitted
Student life & Facilities
Programs matched to you
Filter 10,000s of programs down to a shortlist perfect for you, where you have a strong chance of getting admitted
Apply online via Studies
Complete our application form and only answer the same question once no matter how many programs you apply for
Review, improve & submit
We rigorously assess your application to ensure you have the best chance of getting admitted before we submit it
Reminders & guidance
Relax - never miss a deadline or request that could cost you an offer with clear, day-by-day updates on what needs to be done
Our services are 100% free for students like you because we're funded by universities.
Fees and Funding
Visa requirements for Canada
Many international students will require a visa to study in the Canada, and this is a vital step of your study abroad journey.
Make sure you understand the requirements you may need to meet before applying.